Clothes and Wears
Lifestyle Items
We do not collect or store any private information of the readers, and do not collect any personally identifiable information on our own (unless the reader voluntarily and explicitly wants us to). If the reader opts into any of our services and thus discloses his/her persnoally identifyable information (such as name, email address and any such detail), we simply keep it to ourselves and protect it with utmost care. We never spam. Any user who ever opts into our services can always opt out simply by sending us an email.

Third-party and/or external sites collaborating with us might do so, according to their policies, and the reader is encouraged to find any such information from the third-party sites, on which we do not have any control and for which we can not bear any responsibility. Within our limits, we do try our utmost to cater the best quality available.

Unconditionally, we do not guarantee any of our methods to produce 100% results (we need to put this disclaimer since the world always has people of different levels of expectation); however, we do produce great results almost always (99%+ times) and strongly believe we shall keep producing such results in future.

Anyway, at the end of the day, we are humans too just like you, we understand your issues and we do our best using the best of expertise using that, with the best of intentions, and keeping it free of cost wherever possible (unless wherever we use other experts' resources - totally optional for you to use), and of course we need to pay for others though we put our offerings free.

We believe this is the best that can be humanly done - please suggest ways to improve upon this if you can think of it and we shall be most happy to consider such constructive suggestions - as mentioned earlier - we are humans and we believe we are a set of nice humans!

Wish you a Most Happy and Prosperous road forward!