Electronic Cigarette ChronicleFacts and Myths: Review of Electronic CigarettesElectronic Cigarettes are equally effective, non-intrusive and cheaper |
From the desk of CWGLiveChoosing an electronic cigarette from the plethora of options available today is not an easy task. And the fact that a number of e-cigarettes are sold online without too much of details given out to the unsuspecting customer does not make life easier either. On this page, we aim to introduce you to the components that the best electronic cigarettes ought to have.We hope this will make you better informed and you shall know exactly what the best electronic cigarette review should cover. This will help you understand whether you have gone through the checklist of aspects that would interest you as a user of electronic cigarettes. It would help you make the right choice. How many pieces should an electronic cigarette be made of? An electronic cigarette is not a one-piece gadget. It is a modular device made up of at least two pieces. In some cases, it could be made of three pieces also. The component details are available in the next section. Interestingly, one can unplug these components and replace them individually if required. This makes maintaining an electronic cigarette easy and inexpensive in the long term - one can only replace the right components if required rather than replacing the entire device. What are the components of an electronic cigarette? In a two-piece electronic cigarette, one component is the cartridge and another component is the atomizer. The atomizer is the component that owns and controls the heating system of the electronic cigarette. This is the section that would also have the battery. The battery would generate heat here, which in turn would be passed over to the cartridge. The cartridge will comprise of a cup-like container that would contain the liquid. It will also have the system that would direct the smoke (vapor) produced by the e-cigarette to the smoker's mouth, which will give the actual smoking experience. Interestingly, there are three-piece electronic cigarettes also available. In these cigarettes, the mouthpiece is separated out from the cartridge. What to look for in an electronic cigarette cartridge? While evaluating the cartridge, try to understand whether the cartridge cup can be refilled. You would not want to buy a new cartridge every time; rather, you would want to refill your container with liquid nicotine for a prolonged use. That will make your smoking process better, reduce the overhead efforts and reduce the smoking cost. If the mouthpiece comes as a separate unit then make sure that the cartridge and mouthpiece junction leakages are avoided. Note that you could look for additional rubber mouthpieces suitable for social smoking. The best electronic cigarette companies support such add-on features. What to look for in an electronic cigarette atomizer? While evaluating an electronic cigarette atomizer, you would want to make sure that this heating element can easily fit and operate with the cartridge. Check for atomizer heat leakages. Make sure that the batteries fitted in are of standard sizes so that you can easily replace them. Selecting a good atomizer is necessary to enjoy a continuous flow of smoke while you are smoking. What to look for in an electronic cigarette battery? There are a number of kinds of batteries available for electronic cigarettes. You would want to make sure that you get the very best. The batteries are not expensive; however, a bad battery that is not good enough to produce heat enough to generate continuous smoke is one of the elements that can completely disrupt your smoking pleasure. We recommend you go for a state-of-the-art lithium ion rechargeable battery. These are the best batteries in terms of heat generation. Note that there are long batteries and short batteries available in the market. A long battery ought to last around 15 rounds of puffs, each round of puff having around 10-12 puffs making a round of puff equivalent to a traditional cigarette. And you could have a backup battery that would keep charging while you use this one. The batteries will take around 3-4 hours to fully charge up. A short battery will last around half of a long one. The best electronic cigarettes can be enjoyed with only the best of batteries. As far as the battery charger is concerned, make sure that you get two kinds of chargers at the very least. One will be a USB charger and the other one will be a regular power socket charger. This way, you can charge your e-cig even while you are busy on your computer with only one power socket near you, or while you are on the go driving your car. Strength and Flavor - Are There Options? Interestingly, a good number of liquid nicotine makers have realized that there is no "all-for-one" kind of solution when it comes to smoking. Electronic cigarettes today are available in different strengths. Just like strong, medium and light cigarettes with different strengths of tobacco, you will find strong, medium and light versions of the e cigarette. The best electronic cigarette strength for you is not something that one can review or judge. You need to look at the strength of traditional cigarette that you smoke and choose your e-cigs accordingly. Note that you may choose to have no liquid nicotine and only have flavored substance for smoking to minimize your exposure to nicotine. From where should I get my electronic cigarette? Great question. It is impractical for one to expect us to review each and every electronic cigarette around. But from whatever we have reviewed, we like this brand the most at the moment of writing this. Coupons, if any, are available on our electronic cigarette homepage. We believe you would make a great decision if you choose to go ahead with this brand of electronic cigarettes. They are good (in fact, these are the best electronic cigarettes as of now in our opinion among the ones that we have reviewed so far), and also match the high standards that one would expect the very best electronic cigarette producers to maintain. |
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